
10972 retrieved

Total Facebook Posts colleted of which 2498 were analized by our system.

182584887 retrieved

Total Twitter Posts colleted of which 5335 were analized by our system.

58932 entities detected

Total number of entities available on our system.


Nowadays, Facebook and Twitter, two of the largest social networks in the world, already have more than 1 billion users and more than 340 million posts daily (Zephoria. 2017). Consequently, the amount of data available is growing every day. With the easiness of access (through mobile devices), users update their profile almost in real time. Therefore, there are many relevant events reported first through social networks post, and only then reported in journalistic media sources. Wherefore, it is necessary to detect this kind of information at early stages.

In project REMINDS we will develop systems to perform an analysis of public information transmitted through Social Networks, to automatically filter and show the information that is potentially relevant to a general audience.


What we do


How we do it

Future Goals

What we will try to achieve

Team & Partners

Álvaro Figueira

Principal Investigator

Pedro Ribeiro


Luís Torgo


Ana Alves


Hugo Oliveira


Luciana Oliveira

Social Media Discourse

Fernando Zamith

Online Journalism

Alexandre Pinto

Fellow - Entity Detection

Nuno Guimarães

Fellow - Sentiment Analysis

Filipe Batista

Fellow - Entity Detection

Filipe Miranda

Fellow - Automatic Relevance Detection

Diogo Cunha

Project Research Assistant - Web Developer

André Brandão

Project Research Assistant - System Maintenance and Web Developer

Paula Fortuna

Fellow - Feature Extraction and Text Mining

Miguel Sandim

Fellow - Feature Extraction and Text Mining


Project Research Assistant - Database Architect

Rui Pereira

Project Research Assistant - Crawling Engine

Gonçalo Paredes

Univ. Porto

Project Research Assistant - Social Network Analysis

Rui Encarnação

Univ. Coimbra

Fellow - Document Clustering

Luis Francisco-Revilla

Texas Advanced Computing Center

Researcher - Information Visualization

Matthew Lease

Univ. of Texas at Austin

Researcher - Machine Learning

Jacek Gwizdka

Univ. of Texas at Austin

Researcher - Human-Computer Interaction

Elham Khabiri

IBM - New York

Researcher - Social Media Analysis


Project: UTAP-ICDT/EEI-CTP/0022/2014

Period: 27-04-2015 to 10-11-2017